Calendar of Events

The Warrior Identity: Union Veterans, Civil Commitment, and Survivor Obligation

Ongoing Opportunities

  • Saturday, June 7 at 3:00 PM

Join the National Museum of Civil War Medicine for their Saturday Speaker Series. Dr. Stephen A. Goldman, author of the groundbreaking book, "One More War to Fight: Union Veterans’ Battle for Equality through Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Lost Cause," will discuss how, over four incredible years, raw Northern volunteers evolved into professional soldiers and sailors to rival the finest in the world. In a process that continues to this day, pride in their comrades and units, and what they endured and accomplished together, constituted major components of an evolving, powerful warrior identity.

Stephen A. Goldman, M.D. is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, a historian who has treated and worked with those who have been to war, and the only physician to serve on the Abraham Lincoln Institute Board of Directors.

This presentation is free with museum admission.